kinderhotels, das Original seit 1988
Heidi-Hotel - The children's and hiking hotel in the Carinthian mountains

HEIDI-HOTEL Falkertsee GmbH 

Falkertsee 2 
9564 Patergassen 
GF Lukas Köfer

UID-No.: ATU62594437
Company register number: 278017Z
Authority according to ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Feldkirchen
Specialist groups: Hotel industry, gastronomy, passenger transportation by car, general transportation
Phone:  +43 4275 722 20 
Fax:  +43 4275 72 22 400
Bank details: Kärntner Sparkasse Klagenfurt 
IBAN: AT562070604500182268, BIC: KSPKAT2KXXX

Responsible for media law:  Heidi-Hotel Falkertsee, Lukas Köfer


Agency in the park 

Technical realization

alengo web development

Strategy, concept & Performance marketing - Oliver Kanduth | Hotelmarketing in Austria


The content of this website is protected by copyright. All content, text and graphics (except YouTube videos) are the property of Heidi-Hotel Falkertsee GmbH or its member establishments, All rights reserved.


Heidi-Hotel Falkertsee
Tourismusverein Falkert
Seppi Dabringer
Franz Gerdl / KW
Martin Steinthaler - Tine Foto
Kärnten Werbung
Gert Perauer
Individual credits of photos whose copyright is not (fully) owned by the partners listed above.

Certain content may also be subject to the copyright and terms of use of our partners.


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